First off, I would like to thank Richard for creating this community and the platform to communicate with each other during these challenging times. I was looking forward to meeting some of you in Maui before the effects the pandemic took hold; we were actually on the island waiting for some of you to join us!
I have not racked up a lot of dives yet, but have been very fortunate to have travelled to some exotic locations to pursue this shared passion of ours. I am looking forward to my first live aboard adventure in Socorro later this year (fingers crossed) and have been dreaming of French Polynesia and the Red Sea for quite some time. That all being said, I think every dive presents an opportunity for a chance encounter and to marvel at nature’s wonder and beauty. For instance, when you book a shark dive and much larger finned friends decide to pay you a visit or when a turtle thinks your camera may look edible right up until the very last second.
So with that I guess would ask others to chime in... where are your favourite dive locations? Or perhaps some of your favourite encounters under the sea?
Stay safe out there!

Minus the brush with fire coral it sounds like our experiences were similar - I was also diving off of Captain Don‘s for my first night dive. We had decided to enter the water at dusk to experience a gradual slide into darkness. Things were going well until Jacques‘ flashlight beam started waving around to draw my attention to my ‘friend the tarpon‘ that was swimming alongside me. People at Captain Don’s had warned me about the friendly tarpon and not to worry, but I can assure you my reaction was very similar (if not worse) than that .gif when those shiny scales and head emerged out of the darkness a mere few inches away from my face. Thankfully it was near the end of the dive so it was not long before I found the safety of shore and liquids to console me. I am now able to laugh about the whole experience.
I recently completed a second night dive in Maui and it was a much better experience. It’s fascinating to see what creatures come out at night (divers included) and to see the different behaviour in the animals.